Today’s Topic:
Top Ten Phrases That Will Make Me
Instantly Want To Read A Book
Instantly Want To Read A Book
Well, this one made me think. I’ll admit I wasn’t sure at all what to do with this topic when I first read the prompt, but I managed to pull out a list of ten! I ended up going with ten phrases I might see in a review that will make me instantly want to read the book. Here they are in no particular order:
- 1. “Retelling”
- 2. “Forbidden romance/star-crossed lovers”
- 3. “Fast-paced plot”
- 4. “Complex characters”
- 5. “No love triangle”
- 6. “The villain is the love interest”
- 7. “Twist ending”
- 8. “I was scared to go to sleep” (there just aren’t enough truly scary horror books)
- 9. “Amazing mythology/lore”
- 10. “Believable dystopia”