Tracy’s Happenings Off the Blog
This has been a fairly uneventful week. I got a little packing done for our upcoming move and started a new show on Netflix – Shameless! I don’t know if any of you have watched this but it’s gold. I’ve already blown through season one this week and I am loving it! I also read Now I Rise, which I LOVED so much!! I am already dying for book three. Obviously, the review will be posted quite awhile from now since the book comes out in June, but know it’s incredible!
MC’s Happenings Off the Blog
Hi everyone! It’s been a pretty normal week for me…nothing out of the ordinary. I have been even more clumsy than usual this week, though, so I’m a bit sore. I tripped earlier in the week and then I hit my head really hard. I think I will just be listening to audiobooks for a few days to let myself rest. I can’t believe what a klutz i am. Luckily, I have Monday off, so I get a nice long weekend. I’m visiting some friends this weekend, but hopefully it will be pretty low-key, so I can relax and rejuvenate. Have a good weekend!
New Books
In Case You Missed It
Monday book review of The Star-Touched Queen
The topic was love triangles I liked for Top Ten Tuesday
Upcoming Reviews
We’re linking up to Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post!